
What’s up Wanderers! I'm Courtney Camilla from West Philadelphia born and raised *cues Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song* and I’ve always had a passion for wandering. I took my first train ride to the Big Apple at the age of 2, first road trip at age 5 to my beloved grandfather Pootie’s birthplace of Virginia, and first international trip at age 12 to the Bahamas. Can you believe no passports were required for entry back then? Just a birth certificate sufficed!
Wandering the world has provided me so much joy. However, I recently discovered that physically wandering is only one dimension to wandering - emotionally, mentally & spiritually wandering are totally a thing as well. In 2017, I lost the two loves of my life – Pootie and my Forever Love Gabriel – within 6 months of each other and then 10 months later my dear friend & line sister Tomara received her angel wings as well. The grief journey totally knocked the wind out of me and I felt like giving up. Nevertheless, throughout the process I learned to heal through wandering to different places to connect with people, tasting the culture, and relying on holistic healing & therapeutic methods to help me deal with depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
The world is our oyster and it is up to us to not only take advantage of what it has to offer but also decide how we will respond to the cards that life deals us. If you are reading this that means you are still here for a reason! Let’s learn to get through by embracing a L.A.W.S. lifestyle to LIVE well, ADVENTURE together, WANDERLUST travel, and SOAR to new heights. #TrustTheJourney because we are fearfully and wanderfully made.